    • 标题:
    • Is there a killer... sleep dentist Dr. 
    • 关键字:
    • sleep disorder sleep deprivation sleep apnea snoring tmj sleep qu 
    • 描述:
    • If you are exhausted each day because of a lack of sleep, you owe it to yourself to get some answers 
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    抓取时间:2016年10月05日 18:30:44
    标题:Is there a killer... sleep dentist Dr. Burch McLean arlingto
    关键字:sleep disorder, sleep deprivation, sleep apnea, snoring, tmj, sleep quality, relationship, romance,
    描述:If you are exhausted each day because of a lack of sleep, you owe it to yourself to get some answers.3D Dental Solutions can help. Contact us today!
    Friday, 21 March 2014
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    Is there a killer in your bedroom?
    Romance on the rocks? It could be your snoring. Life and health on the rocks? It could be sleep apnea.
    Going to a dentist for solutions to your sleep disorder isn’t usually the first place people go for answers.We all need adequate rest. If we don’t get it, we become irritable, our attention span is impacted and we don’t function well at work or at home. Frequent snoring reduces the quality of your sleep and in turn, lowers your body’s ability to get the rest it needs to  rejuvenate. Snoring obviously can impact your partner’s sleep quality,  placing them at risk of fatigue and in some cases, putting a strain on  your relationship. If you suffer from sleep apnea, which means you literally stop breathing many times each night, you can end up with a host of serious health problems. Lack of sleep can lead to hypertension, impaired memory, depression, heart attack and stroke.
    Do you wake up each morning dreading the day?
    If you are exhausted each day because of a lack of sleep, you owe it to yourself to get some answers. Sleep deprivation can reduce the quality of your life because you are irritable, exhausted and forgetful. You can’t function  properly and you’re not yourself- friends and family get tired of your  changed personality and stop calling. Sleep disorders can  seriously impact your health. You need to rest and repair your body  every night. A sleep disorder CAN BE A KILLER – raising your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes, and many more life-threatening illnesses.
    Get the answers you need and get back to living your life!
    Research indicates 90% of snorers have sleep apnea, 75% of people  with TMD/TMJ (temporomandibular disorder) have sleep apnea and 52% of  sleep apnea sufferers have signs and symptoms of TMD.
    Do you have  questions about your sleep disorder, sleep disorder symptoms and your  sleep deficit? Is your lack of sleep playing havoc with your life? You  need information so you can make informed decisions about what to do.
    Dr.  Burch is aware that sleep problems can impact your whole life and he  will work with you to provide sleep solutions, so you can get back to living your life.
    Find out more...

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